Basic Miso Soup, for your thyroid. I make mine from scratch because MSG can be inflammatory for some people. It caused my fathers’ throat to swell up. Some people get headaches.
I look for non-GMO and no MSG formulas In 5 Cups of water boil 4-5 inch segment of kombu, when it starts to boil,
Add 1/2 cup of Bonito Flakes for fish flavor.
When heated through, pass through a sieve or strainer, Remove kombu and bonito flakes.
To mostly clear fish broth, add a heaping tablespoon of miso, (to taste) and add a few dried wakame and tofu (optional) and sliced green onions for decoration. (also optional)
Traditional Dashi
Miso Paste
INSTANT Miso Soup MSG free
Want to know how your thyroid is doing?
My own Nurse Practitioner ie health coach for aging people suggests this:
T3 reverse is there feedback inhibition reducing T3 available?, T3 Free (How much is actually available), T4 Free, and TPO antibodies like an auto immune condition. TSH
Ferritin drives this and so does Vitamin D
Nori Snacks
There are other weight reducing snacks
And other weight reducing noodles
Visit Rev Up Your Thyroid