Keys to Basic Health





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Get a Free Blood Type Diet Analysis

You may need coaching because fine tuning your diet is challenging if you are always hungry. I offer either a 6 month or one year program which helps middle-aged and older adults regain their youthful vigor and gain greater control over their health through 1:1 personal coaching, and a Genopalate Test.

As a benefit, you deserve this genetic test which has helpful recommendations, for your particular type of “Zone” eating. It is free with a coaching package. I will add helpful short articles, and suggestions for food to enhance your overall feeling vibrant again.

The one year coaching packages include a test, with measurements you can easily do,  guiding you to the exact foods you need, to digest and feel well.

I will support you with breathing tricks for stress, and provide personal support to help you learn how to deal with other people: including your family and even your boss.

For those who love physical activity, especially great for Blood Type O’s, I am knowledgeable in the mechanics of and will help you create your own exercise program. Plus you can create your own custom work out schedule.

I believe this program will help you learn how food powers your own unique system. So  you can learn how to choose foods that convert to power more efficiently for you, in order to make changes permanently.

Nutritional support may be provided temporarily as you move you to your individual goals efficiently and effortlessly.

Your Free Diet Analysis will comprise a list of how and what you are eating as well as the balance wheel listed in each program, a sample coaching session that is offered before you sign up for a coaching package to help you decide if individual coaching is right for you.


Personal 1:1 coaching is available if you are stuck and need help.


Lets meet. Schedule your time here->



Dutch Cycle Mapping and Dutch Complete


For some women, testing reproductive hormones (progesterone, estrogen, etc.) on a single day is sufficient. In other scenarios, the clinical picture cannot be properly captured without “mapping” out the hormonal pattern throughout their menstrual cycle.

The expected pattern of hormones shows relatively low estrogen levels early in the cycle, a surge around ovulation and modest levels in the latter third of the cycle (the luteal phase). Progesterone levels, on the other hand, stay relatively low until after ovulation. After ovulation, levels ideally increase (>10-fold) and then drop back down at the end of the cycle. A disruption in this cycle can lead to infertility or hormonal imbalance.


• Women struggling with infertility
 Women with cycling hormones and no menses
 Partial hysterectomy (ovaries intact but no uterus)
 Women with irregular cycles
 If the luteal phase shifts from month-to-month
 Not sure when to test due to long or short cycles
 Women whose hormonal symptoms tend to fluctuate throughout the cycle
 PMS, mid-cycle spotting, migraines, etc.


Concerned how you are metabolizing your estrogens? What if you have the wrong end point of metabolism. Wrong ones cause cancer. Not metabolizing completely can be shown with this test the Dried Urine Test For Comprehensive Hormones

The Dutch Complete™ is our flagship product. This test is a comprehensive assessment of sex and adrenal hormones and their metabolites. It also includes the daily, free cortisol pattern, organic acids, melatonin (6-OHMS), and 8-OHdG.

Should you find this out, you can add this Detoxical D this will help you remove excess estrogens

Now, I have learned about how the body balances itself, and how to make my dirty genes run well. Small changes can make a big difference. Learn how magnesium affects your energy cycle. Learn how Zinc and NADPH work in your body. Learn how to efficiently manage your body’s systems to run efficiently.  


Ph Test strips tell the acidity of your system leading to inflammation

Where I started, Because I had already tested my blood type in a college lab. Purchasing the Genotype kit plus the secretor test kit, and then the SWAMI download, can save you money.

I currently have 3 individual tests available.

Single use Home Blood Typing Kit for the Blood Type Diet. “Your blood type is the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries of health, disease, longevity, physical vitality …

With the myriad of diet and nutritional books available today, it’s difficult to know which diet regimen is just right for you. Put the books back on the shelf and welcome to the digital …

With the myriad of diet and nutritional books available today, it's difficult to know which diet regimen is just right for you. Put the books back on the shelf …

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