Keys to Basic Health

Heart Health Information Increasing Glutathione Levels

Heart Health Information Increasing Glutathione Levels

Heart Health Information Increasing Glutathione Levels

The three ways to reduce LDL levels:

  1. Is to do lots of aerobic exercises,
  2. Or calorie restriction.
  3. 1 Date a day may help

So, Through finding your best proteins and eating your nutrients, you will help prevent heart disease.
It took time and some intensive research when I discovered that I felt better eating precursors to glutathione, and felt like I was achieving optimal health, feeding my mitochondria. Once I added this information to my MTHFR regimen, I felt even better. What I learned on my journey is presented on this page. I use foods to help my 82 year old husband see the importance of fine-tuning his eating.

People who are in good health can benefit from raising glutathione, too. These days we are exposed as never before to environmental toxins and newly emerging drug-resistant bacteria. When people lose healthcare benefits and disease prevention becomes urgent, it is essential to learn how to raise glutathione effectively. The more we learn how to raise glutathione and implement what we learn, the fewer visits we make to the doctor and the more control we take over our health.

Before you proceed with exploring all the options below, read our page Raising glutathione: what does it mean exactly?

Substances promoting glutathione production can be divided into three categories:


Oral Glutathione –  Our bodies depend on glutathione for so many important protective functions, what can be easier than eating it? But before you run to a health food store you should know that most of the research done with it shows that oral Glutathione breaks down and oxidizes in the digestive system and only some of it reaches the cells. One study showed an increase in plasma GSH after administering dietary glutathione to rats with chemically inhibited glutathione synthesis; however, no increase in liver was observed where it is most needed since liver is the largest and most important detoxifying organ. Before 2013 all studies with oral glutathione showed that the bioavailability (usefulness) of this supplement is very low, and in this form it cannot seriously affect immune health.

Read the abstracts of the older studies confirming ineffectiveness of raising Glutathione with oral or dietary GSH.

In another recent 2011 study “Effects of oral glutathione supplementation on systemic oxidative stress biomarkers in human volunteers” published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine researchers from Bastyr University Research Institute, Kenmore, WA, examined the effect of oral glutathione supplementation on biomarkers of systemic oxidative stress in 40 healthy adult volunteers. This was a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial. There were no differences in oxidative stress biomarkers between treatment groups at baseline. One group of volunteers took 500 mg of oral glutathione supplement twice daily for 4 weeks, another group received placebo. At the end of the study total reduced glutathione (GSH), oxidized glutathione (GSSG), and the ratio of GSH to GSSG (indicator of oxidative stress) remained unchanged in both groups compared to the results obtained before supplementation. It was concluded that no significant changes were observed in biomarkers of oxidative stress, including glutathione status, in this clinical trial of oral glutathione supplementation in healthy adults.

UPDATE on oral GSH: A very recent study (2013) with 54 healthy adults registered for the first time a 30-35% increase in GSH levels after 6 months of supplementing with oral glutathione at 1,000mg/day – the same dose as what was used in the 2011 study above, only for a longer period of time. The GSH levels returned back to baseline one month after the end of the trial (“Enhanced Glutathione Levels in Blood and Buccal Cells by Oral Glutathione Supplementation”.Richie JP, Nichenametla S et al. The FASEB Journal. April 2013;27:862.32). These new results with oral GSH do sound interesting, however one of the concerns is that people with health issues that require immediate attention cannot wait six months for their glutathione levels to go up. And will the oral GSH brands other than the one used in this isolated study (Setria) produce the same results?

More human trials with oral glutathione are needed to duplicate these results and completely resolve the controversy surrounding this form of glutathione supplementation.

Additional information on the safety of oral glutathione – Glutathione Side Effects.

Liposomal (lipoceutical) glutathione – this form of oral glutathione differs from GSH in pill form. In this case GSH molecule is encapsulated in water inside a fat ball that is so small that it cannot be seen with a naked eye. The digestive system is “tricked” into interpreting it as a fat cell and does not digest and break it down as it would do with GSH pills, thus allowing it to enter the bloodstream. There are studies on cell culture (in a tube) and rodents proving that liposomal glutathione is in fact effective in maintaining GSH levels under the conditions of exposure to dangerous toxins or induced disease. Cell culture studies cannot be applied to human physiology, and rodents also absorb oral GSH pills quite well, so no wonder they would absorb liposomal GSH. One study on humans – with autistic children – showed that the oral liposomal group (compared to the transdermal group) exhibited increases in plasma reduced glutathione, but not whole-blood glutathione levels following supplementation; both groups also showed increases in plasma sulfate and cysteine which was attributed to the actual breakdown of glutathione (A clinical trial of glutathione supplementation in autism spectrum disorders. Kern JK et al. Med Sci Monit. 2011 Dec;17(12):CR677-82). Another problem with this method of raising GSH is determining which brand will work since they all lack specific human trials and base advertising on general tube/rodent research only. Secondly, liposomes degrade quickly, within a few months of the date of manufacture. A product that has not been made a couple of weeks prior to the purchase may not be effective. And lastly, liposomes are usually made out of soy lecithin raising the question of safety since almost all soy is GMO nowadays, and also there may be an allergy concern for some people. The only brand I am aware of that uses sunflower lecithin instead of soy and claims to be non-GMO is Optimal Liposomal Glutathione by Seeking Health Optimal Liposomal Glutathione | Non-Soy and Non-GMO | Provides 500 mg of Liposomal Glutathione per Teaspoon | 4 oz | 30 Servings. If you’re planning to give liposomal GSH a try I would recommend this brand.


Broccoli Foods – Cyanohydroxybutene and sulforaphane, phytochemicals found in broccoli, (For Blood Type O) the chlorophyll in parsley, plus broccoli (For Blood Type A) and cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,cabbage, and broccoli (for Blood Type B) and cauliflower and broccoli (for Blood Type AB) contribute to raising Glutathione levels. Some spices – for instance, turmeric, cinnamon and cardamom – have compounds that can assist in restoring healthy levels of GSH and boost the activity of GSH enzymes. Beets have been shown to positively affect the activity of GSH enzymes as well. However, research on these phytochemical compounds’ role in Glutathione production is limited to animal studies and cell culture studies. Glutathione molecule is present in fruit, vegetables and meats. But most of the dietary Glutathione, just like oral Glutathione supplements, gets broken down in the digestive tract and cannot effectively raise cellular glutathione levels.

Methionine – an essential amino acid present in many foods and required for production of cysteine which is one of the three building blocks for Glutathione. Methionine is available from health food stores, too. Of great concern is the fact that methionine is also a precursor of homocysteine identified as a high risk factor in atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). I found my methionine and threonine precursor from Parmesan Cheese. I love Parmesan Cheese and Cabot Yogurt with lots of Whey The Complete Secretor Test

Lipoic acid (alpha lipoic acid) – a disulfide compound with several functions: it acts as an antioxidant, it neutralizes several toxins including heavy metals lead and cadmium, it acts as a co-enzyme for recycling other antioxidants including Glutathione and also vitamins C and E. Lipoic acid is produced in the body but also available as a supplement. It plays an important role in converting Glutathione back and forth from its oxidized form to its reduced or non-oxidized form (GSH). This ability of lipoic acid to enhance Glutathione function leads to improved levels of GSH in cases of Glutathione deficiencies – most known diseases show Glutathione deficiencies especially in their chronic state. Recommended dosages of supplemental alpha lipoic acid are 100 to 200 mg/day.

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Glutamine – free amino acid found in the body in abundance. It is common in blood, muscles and the brain. Glutamine is very closely related to glutamic acid (glutamate) – second most important Glutathione precursor after cysteine. Glutamine and glutamate have the ability to metabolize into one another which means glutamine supplies the body with glutamate – that is an important function. The studies have shown that when taken orally or intravenously glutamine raises glutathione concentrations. Glutamine is crucial to the metabolism and maintenance of muscles. It serves as a primary nutrient for the cells of the GI tract lining; supports liver metabolism and function; can boost the immune system – all due to its ability to promote Glutathione production. One study led by Dr. Rouse of University of Arkansas showed that glutamine as a supplement was able to lower glutathione levels in tumors making them more susceptible to chemotherapy while raising glutathione in healthy cells making them more resistant to such harsh cancer treatments. Glutamine is abundant in plants and meats but gets easily destroyed by cooking. Good sources are fresh parsley, spinach and sushi with uncooked fish (make sure the restaurant is reputable and serves quality fish). Glutamine supplements vary in dosages from 500 mg to 5,000 mg. They come in pill or powder form, and are often labeled “L-glutamine”. Supplemental glutamine can lead to gastrointestinal side effects. Elderly and patients with kidney and liver diseases should be very cautious when taking this supplement. Supplemental glutamine can also become excitotoxic if converted to MSG in the body. The use of supplemental glutamine, especially long-term, should be monitored by a doctor.

Tart cherry juice Melatonin – a hormone known to regulate sleep and waking cycles, produced by the pineal gland in the brain. Melatonin is released into the blood at night time and its production is affected greatly by light. Melatonin is also a powerful antioxidant and plays a role in stimulating other antioxidants as well. Melatonin has been shown to effectively raise GSH levels in many tissues including those of the brain, liver, muscle and blood serum. The only known viable natural source of melatonin is sour (tart) cherries, especially the Montmorency variety, which contain substantial amounts of melatonin, enough to produce a positive effect in the body and without any side effects unlike the synthetic form.

Milk Thistle – a plant used by herbalists for many centuries to treat various liver disorders as it seems to stimulate the growth and regeneration of injured liver cells. The active component of milk thistle called silymarin prevents lipid peroxidation of GSH and maintains its levels. Recommended dosages vary quite a bit from 50 to 500 milligrams three times a day. Toxic reactions can develop with overdose: cramps, gas and diarrhea. Milk thistle should not be used without a professional medical advice.

Cysteine – an amino acid that is required for the production of Glutathione directly in the cells – that’s where Glutathione is most needed and produced by the body itself. Cysteine is usually the limiting factor in the production of Glutathione because of its shortages. Cysteine can be found at health food stores as a supplement but consumed this way it can promote hypercysteinemia (homocysteinemia) and potential toxicity. It is also present in many fruits, vegetables, meats and eggs bonded with other amino acids to form proteins, however, it gets destroyed by cooking. Most cysteine from raw produce does not survive the trip from the stomach to cells either. The cysteine that does survive is quickly eaten up by the bacteria in our intestinal tract – all living organisms use cysteine, so it is useful in that it helps our flora to stay healthy. This is where the Cabot Yogurt for breakfast helps me most.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) – this naturally occurring compound is a donor of organic sulfur, a non-metal mineral present in all our cells and essential to life. Most of the sulfur in human bodies is in the form of sulfur-containing amino acids cysteine and methionine; however, MSM acts as a source of additional sulfur for numerous processes in the body and plays an important role in sulfur metabolism. Sulfur is needed for manufacturing of alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin B1, both are important glutathione cofactors. MSM has been shown to promote the synthesis of glutathione and to upregulate the activity of glutathione enzymes in the presence of elevated oxidative stress in animal studies. One human trial showed considerably higher plasma glutathione levels in MSM supplemented group after strenuous exercise. Foods with sulfur include: Allium vegetables (garlic, leeks, chives, onions, etc.) Cheese, especially cheddar (Good for Blood Type B) and parmesan. And here the Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, etc.) do double duty. Lastly, Organ meats. Liver is especially good for Blood Type O

An Option for Blood Type B

Raw milk (raw dairy) – this option of how to raise Glutathione belongs in the food category. But the uniqueness of this food deserves special attention. Raw milk whey contains powerful Glutathione precursors – lactoferrin, beta-lactalbumin and serum albumin. They are very easily denatured by heat and mechanical stress during pasteurization and homogenization of milk. After digestion the products of these compounds’ breakdown pass readily into the bloodstream, serving as cysteine and cysteine delivery systems, thus enabling cysteine to get into the cells for Glutathione production. This is how our ancestors used to get their cysteine from diet before pasteurization became mandatory. How to raise Glutathione with raw milk? There are three problems: first, you have to have free access to a raw dairy farm; second, you have to be sure the farm delivers safe raw milk free of pathogens; third, to raise Glutathione levels noticeably you will have to drink at least 2 gallons of raw milk a day which is impossible to do. But adding raw milk to the diet is still a good idea: you do get some bioavailable cysteine this way, just not in sufficient quantities. Raw milk is also a very good food source of MSM (methylsulfonylmethane).

Find a raw milk dairy in your area.


Lemon Vitamins – in one trial, blood GSH levels rose nearly 50% in healthy people taking 500 mg of vitamin C per day for only two weeks. Vitamin C raises Glutathione by helping the body manufacture it.

Vitamin E acts in a similar way as vitamin C – it recycles Glutathione and depends on it for proper function and recycling as well.

Vitamins B6, B12, B1 and B2 are also required in the synthesis of Glutathione. B1 and B2 maintain Glutathione and its related enzymes in their active forms. B2 helps combine amino acids into proteins, and Glutathione is one of them. B6 is crucial for the metabolism and proper function of many amino acids, for example, for converting homocysteine into cysteine. B12 acts as a coenzyme in the production and regulation of red blood cells. Vitamin B6 when taken in excess if Not needed can cause non-fatal heart attacks. The Strategene Test Fit will help you determine your exact biological needs.

Folate or folic acid (known as B9) – its role as Glutathione booster lies in folate’s ability to divert cysteine preferentially towards Glutathione production rather than homocysteine production, thus helping supply the cells with more cysteine for building intracellular Glutathione. Maximum recommended dosage of folate is 400 mcg/day. Best dietary sources are spinach, turnip greens, lettuce, dried beans and peas. Sunflower seeds, and peanuts, (Blood Type A ONLY). Avocado, asparagus, and fortified cereals. When cooking veggies they should be steamed instead of boiled – less folate leaches into the water this way.

Selenium – the trace element that functions as an antioxidant. It also participates in protein synthesis and other metabolic processes and acts together with other antioxidants, especially vitamin E. Selenium elevates the levels of glutathione peroxidase; the cysteine molecule appearing in the process of digestion of plants grown in selenium-rich soil contributes to GSH production. Recommended Daily Intake (RDI) for adults is 55 mcg. Best dietary sources are Sockeye Salmon, for all,  Brazil nuts, (Blood Type B ONLY) sunflower seeds, (Blood Type A ONLY) oatmeal, tuna, turkey, chicken breast, (Blood Type O Hunter genotype ONLY) beef, (For Blood Types B and O) eggs and brown rice. (Brown Rice has higher Arsenic levels)

Magnesium – magnesium is necessary for proper functioning of enzyme gamma glutamyl transpeptidase which is important in the synthesis of Glutathione. RDI is 400 mg, but optimum daily intake is considered at 490- 700 mg. Best dietary sources are halibut, (For Blood Type O, and Blood Type B ONLY) spinach, squash, pumpkin seeds, (Blood Type O and Blood Type A ONLY) sunflower seeds, (Blood Type A ONLY) toasted sesame seeds, (Blood Type A ONLY) beans, (Blood Type Specific walnuts, almonds-All Blood Types. Peanuts (Blood Type A ONLY) and Brazil nuts. (Blood Type B ONLY) My Blood Type B friend’s sister cured her arrhythmia with Magnesium using this protocol since pumpkin seeds are out so I wrote this blog with the book and supplements Dr. Carolyn Dean created The Magnesium Miracle

Zinc – zinc deficiency leads to low concentrations of reduced (non-oxidized) Glutathione, especially in red blood cells. This is detrimental to Glutathione metabolism. However, high levels of zinc may reduce Glutathione because zinc has a certain toxicity. RDI for adults is 8-11 mg. Best dietary sources are oysters, (ONLY beneficial for Blood Type O) beef shanks, (Blood Types O ONLY). Blood Types B and AB look for lamb shanks. Chicken legs, (Blood Type O Hunter genotype..ONLY) and Alaskan King crab. (Blood Type O ONLY) Zinc from beans, legumes and grains have very low bioavailability compared to meat sources.

Vanadium – this element depends on Glutathione to stay in non-oxidized state and to increase vanadium’s bioavailability. It may recycle Glutathione under certain conditions. Vanadium is not considered a crucial cofactor and at high levels it may even deplete glutathione due to its toxicity. Vanadium’s role in health has not been studied very well, so there is no RDA established. Average diet provides 6-18 mcg a day. Safe upper limit is 1.8 mg (1,800 mcg). Dietary sources are: mushrooms, shellfish, (Mussels Blood Types AB and O ONLY) dill, parsley and black pepper. (Black pepper Blood Type O and Blood Type B ONLY)

Adequate amounts of vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, folate, selenium, magnesium and zinc, either from diet or with additional supplementation, are necessary for raising Glutathione levels.

You don’t have to eat everything, pick one or two you like best. Maybe add a supplement

READ THIS: More foods are listed How the “Mind Diet” Can Help Prevent Alzheimers

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