Avoiding Diabetes

Avoiding diabetes and believing you don’t have to give up sugar, is the wrong way to think about your health. Avoiding diabetes is also, more than removing sugar from your diet. It is also adding some folate and riboflavin rich foods. Finding the folate and riboflavin rich foods will help your methylating cycles function efficiently.…

Sleep Better

There are things you need to sleep better, things that help build the melatonin you need. This is about foods that can disrupt sleep. 2. Aged cheese and wine. Alcohol helps you fall asleep however, it causes interruptive sleep and active dreaming. Red wine and aged cheeses have tyramine which raises the production of Nor-Epinephrine.…


Got Fungus on your Nails

   Try Kerasal Topical Patches Kerassentials What are the pain points, or biggest fears? Short term: Shame Helplessness Long term: Life partner is disgusted, no sex appeal Possibly cutting off a leg if they get a secondary infection Kerassentials are the new kid and safter choice If Kerasal don’t work, try Kerassentials, without damaging your…