Blood Type A emerges into the 21st century with many more complex challenges than their ancestors could have imagined. The key factor in the development of the A blood type can be traced to the struggle for survival long ago, when there was a rapidly dwindling supply of hunting game stock. The cultivation of grains and livestock changed everything. Over time, the adaptations that produced blood type A were based on the need to fully utilize nutrients from carbohydrate sources. Low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, and high intestinal disaccharide digestive enzyme levels permit more efficient digestion of carbohydrates. These factors along with the low levels of intestinal alkaline phosphatase, make it difficult for type A’s to digest and metabolize animal protein and fat.
Type A’s thrive on foods that are in as natural a state as possible. Think of words like pure, fresh, and organic, In fact many type A’s flourish on a vegetarian diet. Although this might sound like bad news if you’re a type A who is accustomed to eating plenty of meat, you will be amazed as you lose weight and have more energy once you eliminate toxic foods from your diet. Type A’s dietary focus should be on supercharging the immune system, supplying cancer fighting antioxidants, preventing infections, and strengthening the heart. The Blood type A’s diet with lifestyle strategies, hormonal equalizers, and gentle exercise will maximize your overall health; decrease your natural risk factors for cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The result: high performance, mental clarity, greater vitality and increased longevity.