Avoiding Breast Cancer
Learning how to avoid breast Cancer is possible, especially since I found out about methylating systems. Keeping our methylating systems running well, we can avoid excess estrogen products that build up causing cancer.

Fighting the production of cancer causing metabolites with broccoli sprouts. With the:
Or the Live Cell Supplement form of Sprouted vegetables

Also affecting the performance of the COMT gene are methyl donors.

Very specific support can come from food or supplements. I eat my folate, because taking a plain folate supplement can cause cancer. You man want to read this:

Supporting our Adrenals

SAM sparing can add more resources to the COMT Gene.
You can support your methylating cycles with food, which is preferable to supplementing and less expensive. Gaining weight by eating the wrong foods can cause harm. Eating your best foods will help you maintain your best weight and help you avoid breast cancer.
You can get the supplements like DIM and Calcium D Glucurate listed on this site
If they are short on supply there, Here is the same product with Calcium D Glucurate
Also, since food makes a difference, check out the information on the Osteopenia page
The important thing about COMT is when it runs slow, it can cause breast cancer. When it runs fast it can cause osteopenia.
Broccoli sprouts are the answer for both conditions. Broccoli sprouts provide a larger percentage of calcium for osteopenia and they also provide the sulforaphanes needed to fight the incomplete degredation of estrogen.
You leave your chopped broccoli on the cutting board for 40 minutes. the glucorafinin and the Myrosinase enzime create sulforophane. And Stops cancer. Or you can add wasabi powder or mustard powder to keep the sulforophanes in broccoi intact when cooked.