Having a Hard Time Eating Vegetables?
Vegetables, and their phyto nutrients are so essential to personal well-being, and health and pain management.
The sprouted forms are even more effective
Here are the nutriceutical forms if you absolutely can’t bring yourself to learn to love vegetables.
Live Cell Sprouts for Blood Type A
Live Cell Sprouts for Blood Types B and AB
Live Cell Sprouts for Blood Type O
Alkaline Diet Dangers
A RBC magnesium test; is the gold standard test for assessing your magnesium needs. The same test can also tell you if you have too much mercury.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
Knowing you can improve your biochemical numbers may take some initial testing. Then monitoring. These are the tests I recommend for your particular health concern. Lipid and Thyroid analyses, Vitamin D and B12 deficiencies. Casein intolerance and inflammatory markers like L3, CRP and Homocysteine levels. The A1C is for sugar levels over 3 months determining your chances of diabetes.
My Medical Technology friend recommends the RBC magnesium to determine cellular magnesium deficiencies. I used the For direct access to this lab test and other important metabolic tests without doctor fees. To determine which vitamin B’s I needed to concentrate eating which made me feel better. I used the Pathway Fit Why knowing your nutrient requirements help. Fine-tuning your eating for your target nutrients will help you feel better, and specific B vitamins can keep you from over dosing on Vitamin B 6 which may cause non-fatal heart attacks when taken in excess.