As men go through Andropause…. Things may also change for them. A loss in testosterone, and an increase in estrogens, may possibly create a situation where being satisfied may become an issue for you too. Certain foods may help you reach that feeling of fullness or system just like women
Snacks are fun, and I look for fun, healthy, processed foods that benefit those who like crunch, and salty. See what’s new in salty crunchy healthy snacks to support your immune system
This one we just tried, and it is addictive as Doritos and better for you Blood type O and A!! a mildly spicy fun way to have black bean Chipotle BBQ Chips and eat healthy at the same time!
The Pathway Fit report provides personalized information and recommendations based on your genetics to assist you in achieving the following goals:
Understand your metabolism and dietary traits
Optimize the effects of physical activity and exercise
Enhance the nutritional balance of your diet
Your Potential for a Healthy Lifestyle
Collaborating with world-class scientists, medical professionals, geneticists, and nutritional and performance experts, Pathway brings you this groundbreaking new service with your individuality in mind.
This Pathway service analyzes over 100 genetic markers that have been shown to impact metabolism, exercise and energy use within the human body, and you can order your test here for understanding your health, and how eating efficiently can make THE difference for YOU.
Through the examination of these genes, which are expressed in various organs, such as the brain, stomach, gut, muscle, pancreas, and directly in fat tissue, we are able to gain an insight into how your body processes sugars, fats, nutrients and vitamins. What’s more, the Pathway Fit report includes detailed analysis on how your body may respond to exercise, and your potential response to certain foods, all of which may lead to healthy choices and a better lifestyle.
You Will Learn
By analyzing your genetic code, along with answers to a lifestyle questionnaire, the Pathway Fit® report (patent pending) gives you the power to understand your metabolism, eating behaviors, and your response to exercise, as well as the best ways to reach and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.
Personalize your diet with genetics. The way we eat, how our bodies process foods, and our overall health are impacted by our genetics. Scientific studies have shown that the consumption of particular nutrients may turn certain genes on or off. Diet results are calculated to help select the best diet for you.
Eating behaviors can have as much effect on health as our diet. Some of our behaviors are influenced by our genetics. Through the Pathway Fit™ report, we describe certain genetic markers that are associated with eating behaviors, such as excessive snacking and difficulty feeling full. With this information, you and your physician can modify your lifestyle to achieve ultimate wellness.
Your genetics may impact how your body responds to some foods. We report on genetic markers associated with caffeine metabolism, bitter and sweet taste sensitivity, as well as lactose intolerance and alcohol flush.
Vitamins are an important part of your health. The Pathway Fit™ report includes genetic markers associated with your likelihood of having lower levels of certain vitamins, such as folate and vitamins A, B-6, B-12, D and E.
Exercise has long been shown to provide many health benefits. Your genes can affect how you respond to exercise – your chances of losing weight, improving your cholesterol levels, and other health benefits. Pathway Fit™ also reports on how your genetics may influence your exercise performance.
Your weight can be influenced by many genes. The Pathway Fit™ report includes genetic markers associated with metabolism, the tendency to regain weight after losing weight, as well as predisposition for obesity.
Good metabolic health can prevent serious health conditions. Your report includes genetic markers that are used to calculate your likelihood for having decreased HDL (good) cholesterol levels, as well as elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol, blood sugar and triglyceride levels. All of these are indicators of adverse metabolic health, which are precursors to various health conditions, including coronary artery disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
Here are some estrogen inhibitors.
Older men have lower testosterone. Too much of excess estrogens may cause health problems. There are two compounds that reduce estrogen. One prevents it from being reabsorbed after processing through the liver Detoxical D Calcium D- Glucarate is thought to aid in the decrease of estrogen levels by combining with glucuronic acid. It is then excreted in the bile. Unfortunately a bacterial enzyme in the intestine, Beta Glucuronidase normally breaks therogen glucuronide bond. (This would allow estrogen to be reabsorbed. Calcium D- Glucurate works to prevent this enzyme (Beta Glucoronidase) from acting, blocking the re-absortion of estrogen therefore reducing circulating estrogen levels. There is another compound Aromastat Aromastat is a natural blend of herbs, shown in clinical studies to inhibit the enzyme aromatase. Aromatase is an enzyme found in the liver that converts testosterone into estradiol and androstenedine into estrone. So Aromotase inhibitors inhibit the enzymes conversions of steroid hormones into estrogen class hormones.
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