Grocery shopping can be overwhelming. There are all kinds of products lining the yogurt shelves and elsewhere. “Good” bacteria are nutritional bullets, that can lift you to wellness. As beneficial as probiotics seem, our enthusiasm may lead us to assume every probiotic is good for us.
Before you buy that sugary yogurt you don’t need, here’s what you need to know.
1. Understanding the details of your stomach’s landscape. There are more than a trillion bacteria cells hanging out in your digestive system. That’s a good thing. Most of these bacteria are “friendly”. They extract nutrients from your diet and boost your immunity by fighting off germs.
2. The adult digestive system is dominated by a few “common” bacteria, and more and more scientists are finding that each person can harbor more than 500 different kinds. Your own gut bacteria are like a fingerprint: no two people’s are the same. Scientists know that these bacteria coexist harmoniously, helping to maintain a healthy digestive system.
3. The gastrointestinal peace is crashed by stress, illness, and antibiotics (which fight infection by killing all bacteria-even the good ones)
4. Experts believe that consuming probiotics with food or a supplement, will help improve and maintain your health. Adding probiotics will help overpower the bacteria which are not beneficial to you. Alleviating depression, assist with weight loss, and reduce the duration and symptoms of some illnesses.
5. Yogurt with live cultures, and Kefir or goats milk will help most. Fermented Cabbage like sauerkraut and Kimchi is best for the cabbage eaters of Blood Type B.
6. Seek out specific trains, because “not all probiotics are created equal”, says Matthew Ciorba MD, assistant professor of medicine at Washington University In St. Louis. These Blood Type specific Polyflora cultures have a mixture of “good” bacteria, specific for each blood type, to kick start your journey to health.
For temporary support or relief until you find your best foods. After you find your best foods, you won’t need these
Blood Type A Support
Polyflora A Offers Probiotic support.
Deflect A Helps protect your gut from offending antigens (lectins) in food you eat.
Blood Type B Support
Polyflora B Specifically formulated for the B Blood Type. If you read the ingredients of each, you will find they are different.
Deflect B Temporary support for Blood Type B
Blood Type O Support
Polyflora O Even though blood type O can digest anything, probiotics will keep their gut flora healthy.
Deflect O
Fighting off lectins can help Blood Type O avoid pain.
Blood Type AB Support
Polyflora AB Probiotics specifically formulated for your genetics.
Deflect AB Specific for removing lectins that bother Blood type AB.