Copied from Dr. Oz the Mind Diet
1. Green Leafy Vegetables. Romaine, kale, collards.
2. One other vegetable besides a salad every day. Broccoli and onions.
3. Poultry, preferably Turkey
4. Fish: Cold-water fish, like salmon and sardines, are rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and have the most DHA, which is essential to keeping your brain young and vital. They also supply B12 and riboflavin. To reduce your Alzheimer’s risk eat three servings per week.
5. Berries, Two servings of blueberries twice a week.
6. Whole Grains. 3 servings a day? NO. The Blood Type O’s and B’s and most people must remove grains from their diet. Wheat can cause acidity and remove calcium from your bones. Grains with sugar can cause gas. Try to remove grains from your diet.
7. Nuts contain healthy fats. Nuts like Almonds and Walnuts. Black Walnuts and Brazil nuts for Blood Type B help lower cholesterol, and reduce heart disease.
8. Beans 3x a week. Eat beans for your blood type so you won’t have gas.
9. Red Wine. Cleveland Clinic recommends Cabernet
10.Olive oil, People who cook with olive oil saw greater protection from cognitive decline. O’s can eat butter. Others need Olive oil or Ghee.
Your nutrient cocktail. For your B vitamins, eat them.
1. essential for many body functions
2. Aids in energy production
3. The B vitamins help maintain the health of the nerves, skin, eyes, hair, and mouth.
Because a deficiency in one B vitamin usually means a deficiency in another, it is important that the B vitamins be taken together. Many of the B complex vitamins assist in metabolism of carbohydrates and fats
4. They are also key ingredients in the production of red blood cells. The B-complex vitamins often work synergistically with other nutrients. This means there is a cooperative action between B vitamins and other nutrients allowing them to work as catalysts promoting absorption and assimilation of these vitamins and minerals.
Though I found this is not absolutely true, as an over dose in vitamin B6 can cause non-fatal heart attacks. Find out here, if you have a caffeine sensitivity or specific B vitamin level you need the best MTHFR test. I specifically prefer the Strategene test that helps you see how the 7 major methylating genes work together.
Phospholipids are found in egg yolks as phosphytidal choline, organ meats, lean meats, fish, cereal grains and oil seeds like flaxseed, and flaxseed oils.
They’re found in all higher animals and plants.
What about the Mediterranean diet? Olive oil is great!! Tomatoes are not good for every one, and can cause severe inflammation. Eggplants are also night shades, and are actually better for Blood Type B.
I believe the “Zone Diet” is more effective than the Dash diet. Learning what nutrients to eat, you can control hunger. And solve the over
eating issue. I hate being hungry, so food combining is important.
Essential fatty acids are produced by any plant you can name, so nearly all vegetable oils contain omega-3 fatty acids!
In other words, you just wasted your money. (By buying Krill oil) Omega-3 fatty acids are known as “essential” fatty acids.
This is because, unlike plants, humans and most animals lack about half a dozen genes needed to produce them from “saturated” fatty acids.
Some doctors say that the best source of omega-3 fatty acids is actually food-grade flaxseed oil (aka linseed oil.) Flaxseed oil may contain up to 60% omega-3 fatty acids by weight. Someone on Facebook said it is esterogenic so you may want to try this Nordic Naturals Omega 3 recommended by my eye doctor.
And if you like chia seeds and walnuts, Omega 3’s are there also.
Phosphytidal Choline found in egg yolks is also called Lecithin
The kind that plants produce. The things that power your mitochondria to give you more energy, and reduce the oxidation by free radicals. An overindulgence in anything, from a Consumer report, like taking Vitamins C and E is unhealthy. Yes, we need them, yet an over indulgence in Vitamin E has been shown to cause lung tumors.
We need other anti oxidants, the kind found in fruits and vegetables, and range-free and hormone-free meats. Researchers said today they have identified the mechanism of action of lipoic acid, a remarkable compound that in animal experiments appears to slow down the process of aging, improve blood flow, enhance immune function and perform many other functions. “The evidence suggests that lipoic acid is actually a low-level stressor that turns on the basic cellular defenses of the body, including some of those that naturally decline with age,” said Tory Hagen, an LPI researcher and associate professor of biochemistry and biophysics at OSU. “In particular, it tends to restore levels of glutathione, a protective antioxidant and detoxification compound, to those of a young animal. It also acts as a strong anti-inflammatory agent, which is relevant to many degenerative diseases.” Alpha Lipoic Acid found in these facts.
Formulated for Blood Type A’s Who need this most.
It’s normally found at low levels in green leafy vegetables, but can also be taken as a supplement. According to Hagen, research on the natural processes of aging, and The best mechanisms to accomplish that, scientists say, have everything to do with diet, exercise, healthy lifestyle habits and micronutrient intake.
How to Increase Glutathione (Edited for Correctness) Here
Glutathione is important in the pathway to boost your mitochondria, and it is found as a precursor (glutathione peroxidase) in almost all fruits and vegetables. It is an antioxidant enzyme and a free radical scavenger. It is not Glutathione GSH the master antioxidant.
These foods help the body make more Glutathione (GSH): Avocado, Asparagus, Broccoli, Garlic, Raw Eggs, Spinach, Tomatoes, Curcumin(Turmeric) and even fresh unprocessed meats. (sashimi?) Also Watermelon, Grapefruit, Acorn Squash, Strawberries, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Okra, Peach, Zucchini, Spinach, and Walnuts.
Please pick from your highly beneficial list to find your best source of Glutathione precursors.
Regardless, however, in our modern world, it is almost impossible to expect to boost your glutathione (GSH ) levels sufficiently just from food sources alone. Supplements that help boost your glutathione(GSH) levels are supplements that contain glutathione precursors. Precursors help your body make more Glutathione. A great example of a glutathione precursor is: N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC)found in Redoxa. N-Acetyl-Cysteine is readily absorbed, and easily converts to l-cysteine, which is then converted to glutathione. Glutathione neutralizes many free radicals, and toxic chemicals, and is sometimes used in heavy metal poisioning. You can find Redoxa under supplements, and under Allergies. My Number 1 Supplement
Cysteine is found in most high-protein foods including:
Ricotta, cottage cheese, and yogurt, great for Blood Type B and Blood Type AB
Chicken,for ONLY— Bood Type O “Hunters”. Find your best foods with these tools.
Turkey. Highly beneficial for all.
Duck, is neutral for ONLY Blood Type O, It is an avoid for all other blood types.
Where is glutathione found in the body? The liver excretes glutathione directly into the blood stream where it is used to help maintain the integrity of red blood cells, as well as protecting white blood cells. Glutathione is also found in the lungs and intestinal tract where it assists in carbohydrate metabolism as well as breaking down oxidized fats. Glutathione, the life extension molecule: Low glutathione levels are found in immune compromised individuals, neuro degenerative disease such a multiple sclerosis, ALS, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, male infertility, heart disease, arthrosclerosis, cataracts, pregnancy complications, damage from many pharmaceutical drugs, cancer, and poor survival rates for patients with AIDS.
High levels of glutathione level will appear to protect against the danger of cancer, premature aging, heart disease, autoimmune disease and chronic illness. “The brain’s main antioxidant is glutathione- its importance cannot be overstated.”
For B complex….. some of them smell too strong, and are repulsive to take. These are scentless. I recommend B complex Methyl 12 Plus. This formula has 1000 mg, and comes with 800 mg folate. Works great unless you commit to eating your vitamin B type foods . I have committed to eating all my vitamin B type foods. Riboflavin, folate, thiamine and B12. B6 is in most foods, and readily available.
For Phospholipids, I recommend eating eggs with yolks, and flaxseed Milled flaxseed (if you are eating flaxseed for the omega 3’s you might like chia seeds better. Flax seeds are estrogenic)
For Antioxidants, I recommend Antioxidant Complex with N-Acetyl-Cysteine,(Redoxa) and Alpha-Lipoic Acid
Even, if you can eat all the fruits and vegetables, and oils in as natural state as possible (fresh) there are still days when my energy flags, and I do this cocktail with a rhodiola , a D3 and K Phyto D 2000 and something to preserve your eyes and prevent macular degeneration bilberry xeanthanin and leutein for eyes The best trifecta I have found.